Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reading, teaching, reading, teaching!

This is what happens when you leave the camera unattended and become immersed in the book you are reading! Caught in the moment, we were finishing the last portion of the book 'Faith Like Potatoes'. This is a must read for anyone in need of a gentle reminder that we must have faith. We walk by faith and not by sight. Truly, this farmer, evangelist, father, husband and friend to countless was not interested in his own agenda.
Have you ever wondered if you will ever meet someone that is not out for themselves or wonder if you will be like that? I know that when I set out to have my needs met, the result is usually empty. But when God is at the start and finish what a fulfilling result. When it is all about Christ and glorifying him, you can grow potatoes in the worst drought ever. That is what the farmer Angus is all about, trusting God to do what He desires and perform miracles. If we have faith we can move mountains! If I can see past myself I am able to do so much more.
I think of the reading and teaching. When I think of the opportunity to teach my children and use reading as one way to instill God's goodness, I am amazed. It is a simple tool, but leaves lasting (eternal results). But I have to look past myself and realize that despite my agenda in completing tasks in or out of the home or school not getting completed (math texts sitting and waiting to be gently to be loved with pencil and eraser!!) a phone call to make, a coffee to finish or whatever it may be...I commit to reading when I can because it truly is one of their favourite moments in our schooling days.
On this day, we created a poem together (something I so would have done with a classroom of kids, so why not my own!?) we wrote out whatever descriptive words came to mind, created a poem, took pictures and read together. It was chilly but sunny and so magnificent around us. I could not pass up the moment to read together outside. Soon, those days will be filled with runny noses, wet gloves and lost hats! Here is their poem (free verse)

Falling Leaves

Red, orange and yellow
Leaves fall
Dying, gracefully
With the wind
From the trees
Red, orange and green
Shaking, twisting
Turning, floating
The trees showing
God's grace
God's creation
God's glory

By Chris, Jack and Samantha

I will continue to read and teach as long as God wills it here in the hills...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Aah Jack....

Man vs Wild, or in this case boy vs stream and any living creatures in it! There is a show out there about a crazy man that sends himself to remote areas with a video camera and attempts survival on what he finds out there. He is crazy!  It is called Man vs Wild. Jack may not depend on the living creatures for his daily sustenance, but much of who he is revolves around the outdoors and searching for whatever he can find that crawls, spins, swims, wiggles, hops and slimy to the touch. 
If I could send a hidden video to capture all the 'things' that Jack has found we would have many hours of video to record his many accomplishments and wonderful discoveries. He has fallen in the stream, walked up and down with many friends and cousins and broken many nets along the way! He longs to discover what is out there and beyond our home. I love this spirit in him. Reminds me of the book by John Eldgridge, Wild at Heart. This spirit in him is truly a gift that God has given him and I desire to allow this to grow in ways that Jack will truly see the goodness of God's amazing creation.
When we are reading indoors about the outdoors and the weather is so beautiful I often think, put the book down and go and find something! However, reading allows him to dig deeper and gain unique knowledge and insight that makes him more aware of details!

When I look at this photo, I do think, Aaah Jack, the boy who loves to discover, Never give that up my son! Love you!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Our morning began with a somewhat regular routine, but ended up with wonderfully surprising conversation from the heart of my children. I encourage each one (yes, even Sara) to journal first thing and we follow a very simple and small devotional book based on Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, called Jesus Wants All Of Me. I found it at Ontario Christian Books and thought what a simple and meaningful way to introduce Christ every day! So, today was about silence and this is what the entry said today," I prayed. And God heard me. But how do I know? He didn't say anything back. But God knows that I love him. He knows He can trust me. I can trust Him, too. My heart is quiet. The answer will come."

The passage highlighted was from John 11:6. Lazarus was sick and they were calling on Jesus to heal him.  Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." Jesus loved Mary and Martha, yet when He heard the news he stayed where He was.
I am sure this was confusing, there was silence and they wondered where Jesus was? When He did arrive Lazarus had been dead four days and He assured Martha that her brother will rise again. She thought Chris was referring to resurrection day. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
We also read that Jesus wept (vs 35) and was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. Later in the passage what moves me so is this, " Father (Christ prayed) I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me..."

That is really what today was all about. I asked the question have we trusted God in hard situations? They each came up with a hard time.
"Losing a championship game"
"Changing churches"
"When an insect dies"
"Trusting God"

All of these were the starting point for our day. It made me think all day about my level of trust when I sense a silence. Mary and Martha loved Jesus and knew that He loved Lazarus. The answer did not come how they thought was best, Christ knew because of His intimate relationship with his Father. I know that I need to fully trust and I so desire for my kids to learn trust in Christ early! Sometimes there is silence, but to me He speaks in ways that are indescribable...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wild Turkeys in and out!

Here, captured by Christopher is one of the wild turkeys we see roaming in the early morning. Apparently not early enough for Duncan to see. He thinks he is getting the raw end of the deal because he has not actually seen one yet. So, honey, here is the proof. No we will not be eating this one for dinner (we have conservation status here no guns!! Thankfully!!) But they are huge fun to watch.

These are my indoor turkeys! The leaves continue to pile up and the fun goes on. They love this part of fall, so do I. School is in session, just a recess break to enjoy this beauty!

When I look at our stream I can't help but think of  Psalm 23 : 1-3

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul.