Saturday, December 17, 2011


     Life can be so full.  Sometimes in ways that I want to burst I have so much to blog about! I had to load some moments to reflect and appreciate in a blog book I create later!!!

 I am celebrating so much during this Christmas season. I am thankful for so many people and moments thankfully caught with the lens. Above, I celebrate a piano piece that takes my breath away when he plays...

I celebrate time away with my husband, turning forty is meaningful!

We took a special ride in a limo to celebrate Daddy turning forty!

We laughed so hard in the limo! Then we dropped the kiddies and went out for dinner!!

Creating a masterpiece, unique every year and thankful for how the kids are so excited to embrace Christmas and the real meaning, Jesus!

Katie watched and used her new word, "Wow!"

I am thankful to serve such a wonderful husband!

Love celebrating our kids singing!

Celebrations are treasures!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh how fun!
I love seeing photos of a celebration I heard about but wasn't there to witness. Love cameras for that :) Happy birthday, Duncan!