Friday, November 12, 2010


Here in the hills we have just a few remaining remnents of fall. Frost has set in and this Japanese Maple is just about to release one of the last stunningly beautiful leaves. It took me back this morning to the seasonal changes that occur naturally here in Canada but also to my own seasons in life. My one remaining constant is Christ. He is not seasonal! He is the same yesterday, today and forever. With that confidence we can truly make it through any season that we have here.

I am thirty five weeks along and writing that is shocking to me! Another season for me and the famil. A new season of mothering. I am trying to savour the moments of carrying a baby and feeling the movements that always bring me joy and expectation.
I am so blessed to have so many praying for me and our family. We are thankful prayer is not seasonal, we pray always, continually and for that I am encouraged and thankful.
Frosty seasons, mothering moments and an ever-present God that does not change.

Psalm 51

1 comment:

Heather said...

Absolutely gorgeous. You have a gift of capturing God's beauty, my friend :)