Monday, April 4, 2011

Joy at home and conferences!

                                                                   Smile, spread the joy! Katie does...

I was asked what was hard sometimes. Well finding joy can be at times during a busy day, little frustrations, demands galore and unending moments that when strung together leave me dangling at the end just barely holding on. Then I am supposed to feel joy? That is hard. But choosing joy when I don't feel like it is a new habit that must be formed. My joy can be contagious. My calm voice can be inviting to painful moments. My facial expressions can motivate. Can  but will they always? Can I really make a habit of my voice, face and whole being exuding joy?
It is possible. The joy of the Lord is my strength. If I truly believe that so can my children. When they are trying out the new rubber boots from wal-mart and slip and fall. Completely covered in mud and water soaking their toes in the boots, can they find joy? Some can, some find it hard. Today it was hard to find joy in that moment. Not part of the mud plan. It was supposed to be fun and dry? Don't think that one can play in the mud and stay squeaky clean. I said for fun, " Just go run out there in all white and see what happens!!" It made a little smirk come and that is all I hoped for, just a little joy please!! Have fun, no one got hurt and the clothes are so unimportant!!! Boots will dry and the mud will always be there ! It reminded me of ME when I loose my joy in something so silly. I choose to find joy, today I did. I feel different already.

Our window is full of our grateful things. We called it Attitude of Gratitude. I love those rolls of paper from Ikea that just keep going! Well that is up and running. I have to be the one that starts this new and better phase of joy. This is not temporary, this is ongoing. Struggles will come, Christ will remain our constant.

Conference....I must go on a bit about the homeschooling conference in Kitchener this past Saturday. I am so thankful for days like that. What a tremendous blessing. From reluctant writers seminars to Ann Voskamp speaking from her heart to encourage our souls to university admissions!! Loved it all and want more!
I am so thankful for Ann Voskamp and her beautiful, soft spoken delivery of joy and how we can do this as mothers. I want children that are joyful, grateful. Not bitter and angry. Curious joy, contagious joy, captivating joy! Bring it on, we are ready for the joy that we have been missing lately!!


Heather said...

Nellie, I can't wait to hear all about the seminars you went to!
I've had so many conversations about the joy since Saturday! God is moving and calling His people to joy. How do we receive it? By gratitude! How simple!

Talk soon.
Love, me

gmudge said...

Love reading how the Lord is working on your joy tank....He's in there to provide it. So glad to know of the opportunities to take in these conferences. oxox Mom