Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Woods 2013


Here is a sneak peek at our week up north.
In summary:
Time with those that serve and love the Lord
Best beach talks
Coffee shakes - unreal, seriously could tuck shop offer better!
Bible Study
Talking, chatting, praying, laughing
Watching kids experience new and exciting activities
Eating at camp
Laughing, laughing did I say laughing
Meeting young women on our precious journey toward godliness
Watching Sara laugh with utter glee
Fantastic friends
Hearing some of our kids speak of working there!!!! Wow!
``Can`t wait to go back``
``Why do we have to leave``
so much more...
more to come!


Heather said...

Oh my goodness! Looks like a blast!
Love the pic of Chris and!

Sue said...

Looks like a wonderful time with old friends (and probably some new ones!). Glad you had such a wonderful week at MW!

Allie MacPhail said...
