Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Canvas of our lives

When I think of the canvas of my life I can't help but think of my grandma, Frieda Emilie Mudge. I know that sounds odd. My life is not her life! However, she is one of the reasons I am here. Her canvas directly is imprinted in mine. I am a result of decisions made that God had in mind from the beginning. I still am in awe that God created me to do what I am doing today. However well I am doing (not so great at many points today!!) God still loves me and chose me. HE chose me! Wow. I have life because God intended it that way, pretty simple. Why is it that the canvas of my life can be so complicated!!? Too many colours, textures backgrounds and images. Too construed to make any sense? Thankfully God has placed many people in my life to help me interpret the meaning of my canvas. Also, as a speaker at a homeschooling conference  said so well this weekend, "If you only have the bible you will be just fine!" I really don't need to have interpretation from everyone, the bible is sufficient! But, God has given us fellowship and loved ones to walk us through the undecided, confused moments. That is life, and life worth living.

 In John 10:10 Christ said, "I came that they may have life and enjoy life, and have it in abundance."

I am thankful that my grandma is so much a part of the canvas of my life. She is 95 in less than a month. I love her and thank God for her canvas.

1 comment:

sydney ellen said...

As I read this post, I couldn't help but think you will be the reason for another little person's life one day!