Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Way of Love

I have been searching and praying for just the right bible verse for our summer and I found one, well it is a chapter that we are going to memorize. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. We have all summer and we are all going to soak it in! Our summer theme is the sub heading, 'The Way of Love' found  at the beginning of the chapter.
The essence of my children showing love is in this picture. Loving one another. It really can be that simple. They learn to love here and I trust therefore can embrace all beyond our home....

Chris serves by loving Katie, simple yet profound! He loves her and gives of himself unselfishly.

He acts love out for others to see. Not for recognition, but because he is a big brother with a heart for his sister!

This is one way to love!

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