Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our first hike

I lift my eyes up to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip-
he who watches over you will
not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

Psalm 121 1-4

We walked and we walked. We cam across many places we had never been, Trees creaking and swaying in the wind. The warmth of this wind surrounded me as if with arms. I was truly in a wonderful place. I was holding Katie, directing Sara and anticipating arriving to the place of discovery. The older three had ventured off into uncharted territory! I love that!! Two way radios in hand off they went and were gone for a long time. The call on the radio always stirs my heart. Are they ok and what have they discovered! Well a snapping turtle was the first words yelled over the radio. A kids dream of fun!! He was a big boy and not happy to be found. But leave it to the kids and they are on it. I went to see this beauty and take pictures. What a joy to discover this turtle and make our day here even more exciting and adventurous. Soon the brush will be too dense and we will not be able to navigate like we just did. I am so glad that we could all do this, only one thing missing - Daddy. Funny how work gets in the way. He gets to hike this weekend!


Heather said...

Sooo cool!
Here comes the great weather. Time for many more trips like this one (in the backyard for YOU!).
A snapping turtle!? Amazing fun.

sydney ellen said...

A snapping turtle?!? Cool!!!

Graceful Oven said...

Looks so fun. Great picture...wandering the the woods is the best!

gmudge said...

Loved seeing all of you in that adventure picture of spring hiking and other pics that show spring trying to come....oooooo, where is spring with all this coooooolness...oxoxo Mom