Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day Eighteen : Leaky Lives Part One


With this wonderfully mild weather (not -22) very interesting moments are simply...added. Water droplets form and begin the drip, drip drip sounds that don't bring a sense of peace. It brings with it a question mark and a 'oh no' kind of feeling.
Jack was diligently working on his math and heard a clicking noise. He was determined to find it, off he went in search of an answer. A very small drip from the corner of a window was appearing. This was just the beginning of what I call a, hmmm, waterfall! The ice and snow had built up so much on the roof the water was just pooling in all the wrong places.

Let the melting begin...
Quickly we found containers of all sizes simply because there were so many water droplets forming and so quickly that we had to put them in some very odd spaces. Towels, containers and a quick moving of all that was paper! Some things were already soaked, nothing to cry over! But still water was pouring in.

The dog liked the accessible water on the floor thing!

Leaky lives can be great or perhaps not so great. This actual leak has not been so horrible!
As I was moving stuff around I also started a mini purge! H, you know what I am talking about! I cleaned the floors moved things around, cleaned baseboards (oh thankfully I was alone while that was going on!) I sifted through books I still want to read out loud to the kids like Rascal by Sterling North, Biographical books like Jim Elliot-Missionary, took note of some art work to keep or not keep. Math books that needed marking or put back in the proper place so we don't scour the house the next day wasting time!
Not all was wasted with the leak.
My life can leak and spill out into others with blessing or quite the opposite. If I allow my emotions to leak without demonstrating self-control a flood will soon rise, and that takes time to clean up. Water marks are left behind and hearts can be hurt.
If truth, love, wisdom can ooze out of me during my moments and days at home there won't be the immense clean up and brokenness.
To quote Sally Clarkson again from her book 10 Gifts of Wisdom, "But the thing your child needs most in the world is a heart that knows the love of his or her creator. The greatest gift you can give your kids, a gift they will carry with them into each relationship and situation of their lives, is a heart deeply centered on loving God and a life formed by the habits of truth (p.9-10)
Wow, the impact I can have is profound. I can also do the opposite at times when I am not on guard and living tired and selfishly. I want to drip, drip, drip the goodness of a loving heavenly Father. I must get on my knees and pray, pray, pray.

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