Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day sixteen - Transformation and The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian


Transformation is a miracle.



Beholding the result of a transformation is a miracle


Quietly soaking in the beauty of creation - a miracle

Recalling moments like these when we watched the caterpillars transform into extraordinary beauty allow me to reflect on God's amazing handiwork.
I am also reminded on the transforming work of prayer in our lives.
Stormie Omartian has long encouraged me through her scripture saturated prayers and books. She has authored countless books that have sold millions of copies. I think there is a reason! There are three books I am currently reading by Stormie
Diligently and intentionally Stormie leads us to focus on Christ and guides us with scripture to strengthen our prayer lives. Often we are at a loss for words, what to pray and where to find the appropriate verse. All that needs to be done is open up her book to the table of contents and there you will find something to spark your prayer life for your children or husband (as those are the two books I am currently gleaning much wisdom)
I have to pray using scripture. It fills my empty heart full of Christ. I am able to really dig into praying for the needs of my family by following suggested verses and guidelines for prayer. I wake and I am frankly tired! Coffee helps, going to bed early even better! That does not always help. So when I am foggy this clears the way for a path of prayer that is significant.
Often the verses I pray will come back in the middle of the night (Oh mom out know what I am talking about - the middle of the night wake for no reason moment!) I actually over the years have learned to let that go, not fight it and just lay there and acknowledge that I am awake for a reason and Lord what do I need to pray....

Was she really this little? So unaware of the miracle on her precious bald head?

He too was in awe of the creature he watched transform over many weeks. Letting them go was thrilling but also sad! We saw them take flight into a world they did not even know existed but somehow by God's great design would just simply figure out immediately.
If I want my kids to take flight it begins with the power of prayer. It will transform the bleakest of moments.

                                Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.

                               Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children.

                                                                Lamentation 2:19

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