Friday, February 7, 2014

Day Seven: 10 Gifts of Wisdom by: Sally Clarkson - Book Review


If you had given this book to me before I even had children and said how important it would be to raising my family, especially because I know you will be homeschooling (you delicately added) , I would have politely accepted the book. I would have put it in my purse and thought to myself that this must have some value.  Perhaps I will tuck it away and bring it out when I really need it, like when I actually have children. Right now it is just me and I don't need any info for later...

Snap out of it woman!
You needed it then to prepare for NOW!

So, it\f someone comes up to you and you currently have no children and perhaps you are not even married (and hope to be) and the name of the book is, oh this it!

Along along you have prepared for math exams, English and philosophy, history and even the old testament. All of these, good! But What about preparing for what really may be your calling 24/7? Parenting.

Enough said. Order the book or just simply borrow it! The nuggets of wisdom are worth reading and taking notes on. If you have been parenting a long time or not even quite at the beginning, this book will walk you through essentials of parenting that most forget.

With Christ at the centre of our home we strive to include values that reflect our faith - a gospel centered life. Gospel centered parenting, marriage and children. This book has reminded me of some great ideas incorporate Christ, character and commitment to parenting for His glory.
Here is an overview of the chapters that Sally Clarkson has gifted us with:
And last but NOT least a wonderful chapter by her daughter all about reading and the gift it is to our children - do not miss that one! I actually read it first!

I enjoyed reading the book over a number of weeks and actually months when I think back....I often refer back to a book such as this as a resource.

Sally has a heart for her readers, you can tell! She wants to equip the reader with resourceful, godly tools to enable us to parent with Christ at the centre.
Read, learn and apply!

Link for today:
Whole Heart Ministries

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